Q. What is the best way to contact Strictly Law?
A. In the first instance please contact us by telephone, email or text. Alternatively fill out the form to the right of this and request a call back.
Q. What happens after I contact you?
A. We will take your contact and case details and arrange for a first consultation.
Q. Where will the first consultation be?
A. In many cases it is not necessary to meet you in person. In these cases, telephone or email will suffice. However, on those rare occasions where a meeting is necessary, we can come to you or we can meet in a mutual place.
Q. How much does the first consultation cost?
A. Our advice is free. You will not be charged anything if you visit our Free Legal Advice Clinic. However, as a private client outside our Free Legal Advice Clinic, there will be a charge of £160.00 for a call out.
Q. What happens after the first consultation?
A. If we take your case, normally only the initial consultation is needed. Thereafter, further communications can be conducted by email, telephone or text. We charge for all actions. All potential clients are means tested before being placed in the appropriate price band. A Letter of Engagement will be sent out to you indicating your price band and other relevant information.
Q. What are the two different forms of Power of Attorneys?
Power of Attorney
A power of attorney is a legal document that gives a named person/s (the attorney/s) the right to act as if he/she were you (the donor of the power of attorney) in specific or general matters set out in the document. The document does not need to be registered and can include health and welfare matters and property and finances. Whilst it may be accepted without question as to property and finances, a registered power of attorney (Lasting Power of Attorney) is advisable where health and welfare is concerned.
Lasting Power of Attorney
A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document that allows you to plan what happens to you (the donor) if you become unable to make decisions for yourself, and allows you to appoint those whom you would like to make those decisions for you (attorneys). If you choose more than one attorney, you can allow them to act alone or require them to act together. There are two types of LPA’s one deals with a person’s health and welfare whilst the other deals with a person’s property and finances. You may have one or both! It is possible to have the same attorney/s act in both circumstances if you wish. An LPA must be registered before it is enforceable. Once the LPA is drafted the donor can register it immediately or at some other later date.
Q. Who can be an Attorney
A. Any adult (over 18 in the UK) you choose with full mental capacity